Sunday, January 20, 2013

Shift from Non-Christian to Anti-Christian Culture

Check out this very short description of some superheroes that served under King David! "...the sons of Issachar, who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do (1 Chron. 12:32)"  Man, that's pretty much all it says about them, but they were so necessary. What they had can be summed up in one word - VISION!
I don’t consider myself a “son of Issachar,” nor am I a “prophet, or the son of a prophet,” and my prognostication skills have never been my strong suit, but I would like to look at an important trend facing the future church.
The Shift from “non-Christian” to “Anti-Christian” Culture
Most people living today in America do not remember Bible reading done in their public schools. They may have  heard about it but have no personal experience of a thoroughly Judeo-Christian ethic being the norm of all of society. It dictated how the family lived, how the “village” operated, and it was all directly connected to the church. Our society was a moral haven, not that everyone was a Christian, but the acceptable bar of behavior centered on the precepts of Scripture and especially the Big Ten. That is why the French historian, Alexis de Tocqueville made the famous phrase in 1840, “America is great because Americans are good.” Well, Lexi, times have certainly changed!

For the last half century our common struggle has been the world’s encroachment on our children, the humanistic philosophies stealing the hearts and minds of our future. We have watched a non-Christian world slowly bleed out our sons and daughters spiritually, leaving them morally incompetent and inept. Although you may still see yourself in this fight, the times have changed yet again. No longer are we living in a non-Christian culture, we have changed the address to an “Anti-Christian” culture. Today we are considered wrong, nay I say, evil, for having Judeo-Christian principles that guide our lives. We are boldly and loudly called names like intolerant, homophobes, Neanderthals, flat-earthers, and “hate-criminals” if we hold to the basic ethical doctrines of God’s Word. Any moral challenge we give to an aberrant behavior from a Biblical perspective is met with vicious outrage, even borderline violence, which is considered a just reward. Our Christian students are not only fighting the immoral onslaught of secular hedonism and rampant sensuality, they are fighting for their lives. One reason most are very timid about sharing their faith is not the embarrassment, it’s because of the popular opinion that Christians are the new Nazis. We are no longer at odds, we are at war, and the culture is the one waging it! What used to be a line drawn in the sand has become a rampart with bludgeoning repercussions. It’s no longer the 90’s!  

If a man makes a poorly produced “YouTube” video that portrays Mohammad in a bad light he will spend over 3 months in jail. Would he have been given the same treatment if he had done the exact same thing defaming the person of Jesus Christ? Think about it. On April 7, 2009 in an unclassified Department of Homeland Security report, “right-wing extremist” were considered a major homegrown threat to national security. It goes on to clarify groups such as Christians, returning US Soldiers, supporters of far-right candidates, homeschoolers, and NRA members should be assessed as a high level of threat. The outcry was deafening and because of that they have since pulled this report, but the fact is our government sees us, Judeo-Christian ethic, Bible believers, as a national security threat! Because we stand for something holy we are now guilty of hate-crimes! How long before they issue another such declaration and there is no outcry? The new culture is Anti-Christian!


  1. As usual from you, very eloquent and well written! Scary and fearfully true. It makes me want to weep and makes me ready to see Jesus all the sooner! Can't wait to read more from you!

    1. Bless you, dear friend. The best advice in times like these is the two most frequent words used whenever an angel (or the Lord) speaks to men - "Fear not!" We must do the work of making disciples from a different perspective. "Y'all Come!" just doesn't work anymore! Bless you, dear, sweet lady!

  2. And yet, we are to stand in the gap in the name of our Savior. It does sadden me to acknowledge that many, "in the name of Jesus", have angrily, sometimes with violent speech, have done exactly the opposite of what we have been commanded by our Lord to do: love our enemies and pray God's blessing on those who do bad things to us. Forgive them because they don't know what they are doing.

    1. Talmadge, well said. How we respond will definitely reveal what is in our heart. My goal is simply to alert the body that the environment has changed, though the call and charge is the same - "Make disciples!" We must not expect it to work using the same tools we have used in the past. The message is the same, the method must adapt to the new cultural environment. Great point about loving our enemies!

  3. I am so thrilled to see you blogging! We have missed your words and insights.

    As far as the cultural shift is frightens me be beyond belief for my children and beyond. It didn't come crashing in it dripped in little by little and we have become desensitized to the that dripping sound so much that many don't even now seem to hear the waves crashing around us. Thank you for sharing your heart!

  4. Thanks, Bella Michelle, for the kind words and for the confirmation to my blog! Hold down the fort in Florence, dear!
